How to Write IGNOU Assignment to Score Best Marks in 2025

IGNOU students must know that how to write ignou assignments in the proper way to score the highest marks. Assignments are the key part of the curriculum and carry a total number of 30% weightage in the overall percentage of a student. if you don’t write and submit the assignments then your grade card will not be completed.

Here we will provide you the step-by-step guide that how we can write the ignou assignments. after reading this post you will be able to get the maximum marks in your assignment same as the below grade card image.

ignou assignment grade card 1

What is an IGNOU assignment?

An IGNOU assignment is a task that is assigned to students who are enrolled in the IGNOU programme. Every year, IGNOU releases the assignment paper in July session for every programme. Then, every student needs to write those assignments for his course and submit before the due date. every Student needs a minimum of 35% and 40%(depending on the course) passing marks in the assignment work.

The assignments are generally project-based and may require students to research and write about a particular topic and questions. The assignments are meant to assess the understanding of the students about the course material and also help them in their upcoming exam preparation.

Related Post:

  1. How To Submit IGNOU Assignment(Online And Offline Process)
  2. IGNOU Assignment Front Page
  3. IGNOU Date Sheet For December 2024 Exams
  4. IGNOU Assignment Submission Links

Download Proper Assignment paper to Write the IGNOU Assignment

Before start writing the assignment we must know which session assignment paper we need to download to avoid the rejection of assignment in future. IGNOU University has two types of courses, semester-based and year-based. You are in a semester-based program if you appear in exams twice a year, like for BCA, MCA, and MBA,, and, and if you only appear in exams once a year, like in BA, B.Com, M.Com, B.Sc, and M.Sc programs, then you are in a year-based program. If your programme is year-based, you have to write assignments once a year, and if your programme is sem-based, you have to write assignments twice a year. In order to know whether your programme is year-wise or sem-wise, you need to log in to your admission portal.

For June 2025 Exams:

  • Write 24-25 session assignments and submit by March 31, 2025.

For December 2025 Exams:

  • Write 24-25 session assignments and submit in September 2025.

Missed Previous Session Assignments (22-23, 21-22, 19-20, etc.):

  • Write the 24-25 session assignments and submit them along with your current session assignments by March 31st, 2025.
Programme categoryAssignment Session / Submission Last Date
July 2024 Session For Sem Based Programme(Ex. Bcom, BCA, BBA MCA,MBA)write 24-25 assignment and submit in March 2025
July 2024 Session For Year Based Programme
Write 24-25 and submit in March 2025
Jan 2025 Session For sem Based Programme
(Ex. Bcom, BCA, BBA MCA,MBA)
write 24-25 and submit in March 2025
Jan 2025 Session For year based Programme
write 24-25 assignment and submit in September 2025
If You Have Missed Your Previous Session Assignment e.g.22-23, 21-22,19-20 etc. write current assignment 23-24 and submit with your current session assignment till 30 September 2024

How To start writing the IGNOU Assignment

After downloading the assignment paper start writing the assignment answers according to the question and try to write the answers in your own words. If you are caught copying answers from elsewhere by your teacher, your assignment can be rejected. You can take help from books or from online sources. here are the few steps and instructions that how to write ignou assignments to get to best marks.

  1. Read the instructions carefully of assignment paper.
  2. Write on A4 size paper any one lined or plain you can choose any one its your choice both are acceptable.
  3. Use margins on all sides of answer sheet.
  4. Use ball or gel pen which one you prefer both are acceptable but remember don’t use red pen.
  5. Use black pen for the question and blue pen for the answers.
  6. Try to draw the diagram where is needed for a better explanation
  7. Your handwriting must be clear visible, keep your writing neat and clean for better evaluation
  8. Use a stick file that is hole punched and tied with a rope.
  9. Assignments must be handwritten, computer typed assignments are not acceptable
  10. You can attach a printed sheet for the coding/programming just like any other graphical representation. Images, stats, diagrams etc. Other than coding, write everything by your hand.
  11. Write your answer according the question if there is 20 marks question then minimum answer limit is 500 words for that

Vidoe Sample Of That How To Write And Make IGNOU Assignment File Properly

For your better understanding we have attach a handwritten image and handwritten pdf that will show you how to write ignou assignment properly check below.

An image of ignou handwritten written assignment

After writing all answers simply make a front page for all assignments front page must have mentioned all require details. Attach separate front page in each course. Use a file for each course code and make a separate bunch for each course. attach the question paper along with your Assignment answers.

Here is a complete article that how you can submit your assignments read this Click here

Some other Simple Tips to get high marks in your IGNOU assignments

  1. Once you know what is required for assignment, do your research online and from books. Make sure you have a good understanding of the topic before you start writing.
  2. Don’t leave your assignment to the last minute. Start early so that you have enough time to research and write a good quality assignment.
  3. Don’t use unnecessary words or fill your paper with fluff. Be direct and to the point.
  4. Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. A well-written assignment gets higher marks than one with errors.

By following these tips, you can be sure that you will write a good quality IGNOU assignment that will impress your teacher and help you get a good grade. Good luck!

if you have still any query on how to write ignou assignment then please comment below

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How To Check Programme Session in IGNOU?

To Check Your Session Simply log in Your Account on ignou admission portal here is the direct link click here. On this Page You can see your session and your assignments/course codes.

From Where Download IGNOU Question Papers?

Simply search your programme or course code on the below link it will redirect you to the particular ignou official assignment page so you can download it easily.
link- Click Here

can we Write both sides on IGNOU assignments

Yes, we can write on both sides of pages on ignou assignment but It will be better to write on one side of the page so that it is easy to read and evaluate for the teacher, and also for the student to have good handwriting.

can we copy assignment from study IGNOU materials

No. You should not copy assignments from study materials provided by IGNOU. Assignments must be completed by students to pass the course. The assignments are designed to assess your understanding of the course material and to help you learn the concepts.
you can use study material as a reference to write your assignments.

Do we Need To write lab/practical assignments?

No, you don’t need to write lab/practical assignments except BCA, only BCA students have to write practical assignments


27 thoughts on “How to Write IGNOU Assignment to Score Best Marks in 2025”

  1. Hello sir, due to some CAA casualty iam not submitted my first year july23 assignment . What can I do now. Please suggest

  2. Great tips! The step-by-step guide on how to structure IGNOU assignments really helped me plan my work effectively. I’m hoping to score well in my upcoming exams and your blog has definitely given me a boost of confidence.

  3. Hellow sir I need your help urgently..
    My session is January 2023 for BCOMOL.. CAN YOU TELL ME HOW TO DOWNLOAD QUESTION PAPER AND ALSO GIVE ME A SAMPLE PDF OF ANSWER SHEET SO THAT I can get an idea write the answer correctly and submit online.

  4. Hi while submitting assignment in the lms portal i have saved with wrong enrollment number.but the assignment and pdf is correct only the saved file name is incorrect,will it be a problem??


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