Enter The Subject Code to Find its Date And Shift:
We know it’s hard to find the dates in the IGNOU date sheet PDF, so we’ve come up with a solution. Here, all you need are your subject codes, which you can get from your IGNOU portal. Just put them in the search bar, and it will show you the dates. We’ve made it very easy. Here are the steps to check dates in the IGNOU date sheet:
1. To find the date of your subject, simply enter your subject codes (e.g., BEVAE181, BCS12, MEG01, AED01) in the search field above.
2. Now, click on the search button.
3. It will show you the date of your IGNOU exams, along with the shift and days.
The IGNOU Final date sheet for the upcoming exam in December 2024 of all courses offered by the IGNOU university. The December 2024 examination has now been confirmed to be conducted from 2nd December 2024 to 9th January 2025. The Indira Gandhi National Open University has officially announced the Tentative date sheet for the term-end examinations. IGNOU releases the Date sheet twice a year. After getting the IGNOU Exam Date Sheet 2024, candidates must check subject-wise exam dates and attempt all subject papers.
We will keep updating the tentative date sheet here whenever IGNOU release the new one. You will always get the latest official ignou date sheet 2024 here.
How to Download IGNOU date sheet from official Site
We constantly upload the latest ignou 2024 date sheet here. If you still want to download the date sheet from the official website, then you need to follow a few steps to download it from the official IGNOU website steps are as below.
- Visit the www.ignou.ac.in
- Now click on the student support section and go to the download section
- Now on the left-hand side, you will see the date sheet option. Click on it
- Here you will get the date sheet download and save it
We have uploaded the tentative Date sheets PDF here so the student can access and download it easily. This is the final IGNOU date sheet released on 4th November 2024 for the December 2024 TEE.
Official date sheet LInk- Click Here
IGNOU Exam Time Table
The students of IGNOU can check their exam timetable and schedule on their hall ticket and also on the ignou date sheet. The timetable is released a few days before the exams so students can start preparing for their exams. The schedule is released in the form of a PDF file, and it can be downloaded from the website. ignou provide morning and evening sift for the exams.
University | IGNOU |
Exam Date Scheduled | Announced Check Date Sheet |
Time-Table | Moring sift(10am to 1pm), Evening sift(2pm to 5pm) |
Programme | Certificate/Diploma/UG/PG |
Session | 2024 |
How To Find Courses in the IGNOU Date Sheet
Whenever IGNOU releases the exam date sheet, they put all course exams date in the same pdf, they don’t release different pdf for different courses, that’s why it is difficult to find the exact exam date in the pdf because it has multiple subjects codes from all the IGNOU programme, so we will tell you the simplest way that how you can find your course exam date and time table easily in the pdf.
First of all, download the tentative date sheet, then open it in the chrome browser, and now press the CTR+F key. You will see the search box on the top right corner. Type your course code in this search box. It will show your course code in the search result from the whole pdf.
When IGNOU Releases The Final Date sheet
IGNOU usually releases the final date sheet a few weeks before the actual exams After making a few changes to it. This gives students enough time to go through the details and prepare accordingly. However, ignou announced the tentative date sheet on January 24th 2024 but due to the revisions, it may change accordingly. When IGNOU releases the final date sheet, students can get a clear idea about their academic performance. This is because the date sheet contains all the information related to their exam timetable.
Sometimes IGNOU makes the changes in the date sheet at the last time which is frustrating for students who have already started preparing for the exams based on the earlier version of the date sheet.
IGNOU usually releases the final date sheet on its website. Students can also get in touch with their regional centers for more information.
Students will also get final date sheet in their hall-ticket/exam admit card
Exams Clash in IGNOU Date Sheet(two or more exams on same day and time)
Clashing means two or more exams from the same year/sem on the same day and time from the same program. This can be a major problem for students, as it can mean choosing which exam to miss and which to write. IGNOU conducts 2000+ course exams in a session, so there is always a high chance of clashing while preparing the date sheet. That’s why IGNOU releases the tentative date sheet for the students so they can check and mail them about informing them about exam clashes. However, there are a few things that can be done to try and avoid them. By mailing to the university, students can try to make sure that they are able to sit all of their exams.
what to do if exams are clashing/overlapping?
There are a few things that students can do to try and avoid exam overlapping. If any student finds any that in their exam schedule, so they must email at datesheet@ignou.ac.in IGNOU will verify the clash in the date sheet and update the schedule accordingly, and student will get a new tentative date sheet. While sending the email, Student must fill in their Programme code and enrolment number.
Before sending any email about clash/overlapping of courses please read the below points first then send the mail
The Clash Of Exam Date/Session Will Not be Considered In the Following Cases:
- The courses(subjects) are from the same group (group-1 to group-6). The exams for courses in a group are conducted on the same day and at the same time. The dates for the courses will not be changed in the ignou exam date sheet.
- The courses should not be backlog courses (which means if the courses of the first, second or third year OR first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth semester are clashing with each other will not be considered as overlapping because they pertain to different years/semesters)
- In MP(Master Programmes), courses from different specializations will not be considered.
22 thoughts on “IGNOU Final Date Sheet For December 2024 Examination(Out Check Now)”
Thanks, bro You saved me a lot of time. I was trying to find dates in the PDF, and it was really hard because there are so many codes. But here, I got my exam date sheet easily just by using the subject code.
when BCA SEM 1 Exam Date and Assignment submission date
When will start the exam of M A with English .Session 2023-24.
Can I know about my exam of mca (online mode) for which i registered in July session.
And also about my examination form
Thank You Sir You Made is so Easiy I checked my all codes dates Easily
Can I know about my exam of BBA (ODL mode) for which I registered in July 2023 session??
When is my TS04 ,TS05 and FST01 exam ? Any updates on the above ?
please check date sheet link
Is it (dec 2022) also for mcom new july fresh admission 2022 and also the admission process for this session is extended upto 15 october 2022 ?
yes it is also for m.com, but the admission last date only extended till 10th October 2022
Any information on MPS 1st year
yes MPS Programme datasheet is also in the uploaded PDF
Thank you for the datesheet
Any information about PGDFCS july’22
Not yet, we will update here soon
i want date sheet in december 22