Download IGNOU Study Material

If you’re looking to download IGNOU study material, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve made it easy for you to access the study materials for all IGNOU courses. Just follow the steps below to find your course and download the materials quickly.

Why Download IGNOU Study Material?

IGNOU offers a wide range of courses, and having the study material at your fingertips is crucial for successful learning. Whether you’re preparing for exams or catching up on course content, these materials are your key resources.

How to Download IGNOU Study Material?

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Find Your Course: Below is a list of IGNOU programmes. Select the one that matches your course.
  2. Click on Your Programme: Once you find your course, click on it. This will redirect you to the page where you can download the material.
  3. Download Your Study Material: From here, you can easily download the PDFs and start studying right away.

bachelors Degree Study Materiel

If you are pursuing a Bachelor’s degree at IGNOU and are in search of study material, you can easily download it from here. Below, we have compiled a list of Bachelor’s programs, along with a download button. Simply click on the download button to access and download the study materials for your course.

Programme CodeProgramme TitleDownload
BAGBachelor of ArtsDownload
BCOMGBachelor of CommerceDownload
BCOMAFBachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and FinanceDownload
BCOMCAABachelor of Commerce with Major in Corporate Affairs and AdministrationDownload
BBASMBachelor of Business Administration (Services Management)Download
BSCGBachelor of ScienceDownload
BCABachelor of Computer ApplicationsDownload
BLISBachelor of Library and Information SciencesDownload
BTSBachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies)Download
BAFSMBachelor of Arts (Facility and Services Management)Download
BSWGBachelor of Social WorkDownload
BBARILBachelor of Business Administration (Retailing)Download
BAVTMBachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism ManagementDownload
BAVMSMEBachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Micro Small and Medium EnterprisesDownload
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree Programmes
BAECHBachelor of Arts (Honours) EconomicsDownload
BAHIHBachelor of Arts (Honours) HistoryDownload
BAPSHBachelor of Arts (Honours) Political ScienceDownload
BAPCHBachelor of Arts (Honours) PsychologyDownload
BAPAHBachelor of Arts (Honours) Public AdministrationDownload
BASOHBachelor of Arts (Honours) SociologyDownload
BSCANHBachelor of Science (Honours) AnthropologyDownload
BSCBCHBachelor of Science (Honours) in BiochemistryDownload
BAHDHBachelor of Arts (Honours)HINDIDownload
BASKHBachelor of Arts Sanskrit (Honours)Download
BAEGHBachelor of Arts English (Honours)Download
BAUDHBachelor of Arts Urdu (Honours)Download
BAPFHMHBachelor of Performing Arts – Hindustani Music (Honours)Download

Master’s Degree Study Materiel

If you are pursuing a Master’s degree at IGNOU and are in search of study material, you can easily download it from here. Below, we have compiled a list of Master’s programs, along with a download button. Simply click on the download button to access and download the study materials for your course.

Programme CodeProgramme TitleDownload
MCOMMaster of CommerceDownload
MCOMFTMaster of Commerce in Finance & TaxationDownload
MBAMaster of Business AdministrationDownload
MBFMaster of Business Administration (Banking and Finance)Coming Soon
MBAHMMaster of Business Administration –Human Resource ManagementComing Soon
MBAFMMaster of Business Administration –Financial ManagementComing Soon
MBAOMMaster of Business Administration –Operations ManagementComing Soon
MBAMMMaster of Business Administration –Marketing ManagementComing Soon
MEGMaster of Arts (English)Download
MHDMaster of Arts (Hindi)Download
MSKMaster of Arts (Sanskrit)Download
MAJYMaster of Arts (Astrology)Download
MAHVMaster of Arts (hindi religious drawing)Download
MAVSMaster of Arts (Vaidik Adhyayan)Download
MAUDMaster of Arts (Urdu)Download
MPSMaster of Arts (Political Science)Download
MAHMaster of Arts (History)Download
MSOMaster of Arts (Sociology)Download
MAPCMaster of Arts (Psychology)Download
MECMaster of Arts (Economics)Download
MPAMaster of Arts (Public Administration)Download
MLISMaster of Library and Information SciencesDownload
MAANMaster of Arts (Anthropology)Download
MGPSMaster of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies)Download
MCA_NEWMaster of Computer ApplicationsDownload
MARDMaster of Arts (Rural Development)Download
MSCDFSMMaster of Science (Food Nutrition)Download
MSCCFTMaster of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy)Download
MSWMaster of Social WorkDownload
MSWCMaster of Social Work (Counselling)Download
MAEDUMaster of Arts (Education)Download
MADEMaster of Arts (Distance Education)Download
MAAEMaster of Arts (Adult Education)Download
MTTMMaster of Tourism and Travel ManagementDownload
MAPYMaster of Arts (Philosophy)Download
MSCENVMaster of Science (Environmental Science)Download
MAFCSMaster of Arts (Folklore and Culture Studies)Download
MAEOHMaster of Arts (Environmental and Occupational Health)Download
MASSMaster of Arts (Sustainability Science)Download
MADVSMaster of Arts (Development Studies)Download
MACSRMaster of Arts (Corporate Social Responsibility)Download
MAUSMaster of Arts (Urban Studies)Download
MAWGSMaster of Arts (Women and Gender Studies)Download
MAGDMaster of Arts (Gender and Development Studies)Download
MATSMaster of Arts (Translation Studies)Download
MSCMACSMaster of Science (Mathematics with Application in Computer Science)Download
MAJMCMaster of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication)Download
MADPMaster of Arts (Drawing and Painting)Download
MSCISMaster of Science (Information Security)Download
MAERMaster of Arts (Entrepreneurship)Download
MSCRWEEMaster of Science (Renewable Energy and Environment)Download
MSCFSQMMaster of Science in Food Safety and Quality ManagementDownload

Diploma Programme Study Material

If you are pursuing a Diploma at IGNOU and are in search of study material, you can easily download it from here. Below, we have compiled a list of Diploma programs, along with a download button. Simply click on the download button to access and download the study materials for your course.

Programme CodeProgramme TitleDownload
PGDRDPost Graduate Diploma in Rural DevelopmentDownload
PGDCFTPost Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family TherapyDownload
PGDTPost Graduate Diploma in TranslationDownload
PGDSHSTPost Graduate Diploma in Sindhi-Hindi-Sindhi TranslationDownload
PGDIBOPost Graduate Diploma in International Business OperationsDownload
PGDASTPost Graduate Diploma in Applied StatisticsDownload
PGDESDPost Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
PGDACPost Graduate Diploma in Analytical ChemistryDownload
PGDDMPost Graduate Diploma in Disaster ManagementDownload
PGDMHPost Graduate Diploma in Mental HealthDownload
PGDLANPost Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and NetworkingDownload
PGDGPSPost Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
PGDHEPost Graduate Diploma in Higher EducationDownload
PGDETPost Graduate Diploma in Educational TechnologyDownload
PGDSLMPost Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and ManagementDownload
PGDEMAPost Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and AdministrationDownload
PGDPPEDPost Graduate Diploma in Pre Primary EducationDownload
PGDAEPost Graduate Diploma in Adult EducationDownload
PGDUPDLPost Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and DevelopmentDownload
PGDDVSPost Graduate Diploma in Development StudiesDownload
PGDAWPost Graduate Diploma in Animal WelfareDownload
PGDCSRPost Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social ResponsibilityDownload
PGJMCPost Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDownload
PGDAPPPost Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme ProductionDownload
PGDIDMPost Graduate Diploma in Digital MediaDownload
PGDDCPost Graduate Diploma in Development CommunicationDownload
PGDEMEPost Graduate Diploma in Electronic MediaDownload
PGDFSQMPost Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality ManagementDownload
PGDABPost Graduate Diploma in AgribusinessDownload
PGDISPost Graduate Diploma in Information SecurityDownload
PGDPSMPost Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales ManagementDownload
PGDIPRPost Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property RightsDownload
PGDCJPost Graduate Diploma in Criminal JusticeDownload
PGDEOHPost Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational HealthDownload
PGDFCSPost Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture StudiesDownload
PGDSSPost Graduate Diploma in Sustainability ScienceDownload
PGDMIDIPost Graduate Diploma in Migration and DiasporaDownload
PGDWGSPost Graduate Diploma in Women‘s & Gender StudiesDownload
PGDBPPost Graduate Diploma in Book PublishingDownload
PGDWIPost Graduate Diploma in Writings from IndiaDownload
PGDBLTPost Graduate Diploma in British LiteratureDownload
PGDNOVPost Graduate Diploma in The NovelDownload
PGDWMPost Graduate Diploma in Writings from the MarginsDownload
PGDAMLPost Graduate Diploma in American LiteratureDownload
PGDNLEGPost Graduate Diploma in New Literatures in EnglishDownload
PGDVSComing Soon
PGDCOUNPost Graduate Diploma in Social Work CounsellingDownload
PGDHHMPost Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health ManagementDownload
PGDGMPost Graduate Diploma in Geriatric MedicineDownload
PGDMCHPost Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child HealthDownload
PGDHIVMPost Graduate Diploma in HIV MedicineDownload
PGDCAPost Graduate Diploma in Computer ApplicationsDownload
PGDHRMPost Graduate Diploma in Human Resource ManagementDownload
PGDFMPost Graduate Diploma in Financial ManagementDownload
PGDOMPost Graduate Diploma in Operations ManagementDownload
PGDMMPost Graduate Diploma in Marketing ManagementDownload
PGDINDSPost Graduate Diploma in Industrial SafetyDownload
PGDDEPost Graduate Diploma in Distance EducationDownload
DECEDiploma in Early Childhood Care and EducationDownload
DNHEDiploma in Nutrition & Health EducationDownload
DPLADDiploma in Panchayat Level Administration and DevelopmentDownload
DEVMTDiploma in Event ManagementDownload
DTSDiploma in Tourism StudiesDownload
DCEDiploma in Creative Writing in EnglishDownload
DULDiploma in Urdu LanguageDownload
DVAPFVDiploma in Value Added Products from Fruits & VegetablesDownload
DDTDiploma in Dairy TechnologyDownload
DMTDiploma in Meat TechnologyDownload
DWMDiploma in Watershed Management Download
DHORTDiploma in HorticultureDownload
DWEDDiploma in Women‘s Empowerment and DevelopmentDownload
DAFEDiploma in HIV and Family EducationDownload
DBPOFADiploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and AccountingDownload
DMOPDiploma in Modern Office PracticeDownload
DIPPDiploma in Paralegal PracticeDownload
DAQDiploma in AquacultureDownload
DIRILDiploma in RetailingDownload
DTGDiploma in Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageDownload
DNADiploma in Nursing AdministrationDownload
DCCNDiploma in Critical Care NursingDownload
DTHDiploma in Theatre ArtsDownload
DPVEDiploma in Value EducationDownload
DSCDMDiploma in Smart City Development and ManagementDownload

Certificate Programme Study Materiel

If you are pursuing a Certificate at IGNOU and are in search of study material, you can easily download it from here. Below, we have compiled a list of Certificate programs, along with a download button. Simply click on the download button to access and download the study materials for your course.

Programme CodeProgramme TitleDownload
PGCCLPost Graduate Certificate in Cyber LawDownload
PGCPPPost Graduate Certificate in Patent PracticeDownload
PGCCCPost Graduate Certificate in Climate ChangeDownload
PGCGIPost Graduate Certificate in GeoinformaticsDownload
ACPDMAdvanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementDownload
PGCINDSPost Graduate Certificate in Industrial SafetyDownload
PGCIPWSPost Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning and Warehousing for EngineersDownload
PGCAPPost Graduate Certificate in Agriculture PolicyDownload
PGCGPSPost Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
PGCAEPost Graduate Certificate in Adult EducationDownload
PGCIATIVIPost Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually ImpairedDownload
PGCBHTPost Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi TranslationDownload
PGCMHTPost Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi TranslationDownload
PGCARPost Graduate Certificate in Anuvaad evam Rupantaran mein Snatakottar
PGCMDMPost Graduate Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE DisastersDownload
CLISCertificate in Library and Information ScienceDownload
CDMCertificate in Disaster ManagementDownload
CESCertificate in Environmental StudiesDownload
CLTACertificate Programme on Life and Thought of Dr.B.R.AmbedkarDownload
CPSCMCertificate in Peace Studies and Conflict ManagementDownload
CFNCertificate in Food and NutritionDownload
CNCCCertificate in Nutrition and Child CareDownload
CRDCertificate in Rural DevelopmentDownload
CAPMERCertificate in Apparel MerchandisingDownload
CIGCertificate in GuidanceDownload
CPDTCertificate in Professional Development of TeachersDownload
CITCertificate in Information TechnologyDownload
CMADCertificate in Mobile Application DevelopmentDownload
CTECertificate in Teaching of English as a Second LanguageDownload
CFECertificate in Functional English (Basic Level)Download
CULCertificate in Urdu LanguageDownload
CVGCertificate in Vedic GanitDownload
CHRCertificate in Human RightsDownload
CCPCertificate in Consumer ProtectionDownload
CCLBLCertificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business LawsDownload
CAHTCertificate in Anti Human TraffickingDownload
CIHLCertificate in International Humanitarian LawDownload
CGSLCertificate in Gender in LawDownload
CNMCertificate Programme in NGO ManagementDownload
CBSCertificate in Business SkillsDownload
CCITSKCertificate in Communication & IT SkillsDownload
ACISEAdvanced Certificate in Information SecurityDownload
CFDECertificate in Fashion DesignDownload
CTSCertificate in Tourism StudiesDownload
CPLTCertificate Programme in Laboratory TechniquesDownload
CTPMCertificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School MathematicsDownload
CAFECertificate in HIV and Family EducationDownload
CSWCJSCertificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice SystemDownload
CTRBSCertificate in Tribal StudiesDownload
CISCertificate in SericultureDownload
COFCertificate in Organic FarmingDownload
CWHMCertificate in Water Harvesting & ManagementDownload
CPFCertificate in Poultry FarmingDownload
CIBCertificate in BeekeepingDownload
CALCertificate in Arabic LanguageDownload
CFLCertificate in French LanguageDownload
CRULCertificate in Russian LanguageDownload
CJLCertificate in Japanese LanguageDownload
CKLCCertificate in Korean Language & CultureDownload
CSLCCertificate in Spanish Language & CultureDownload
CGLCertificate in German LanguageDownload
CPELCertificate in Persian LanguageDownload
CFAIDCertificate in First AidDownload
CPYCertificate Programme in YogaDownload
CNINCertificate in Newborn and Infant NursingDownload
CMCHNCertificate in Maternal and Child Health NursingDownload
CHBHCCertificate in Home Based Health CareDownload
CGDACertificate in General Duty AssistanceDownload
CGCACertificate in Geriatric Care AssistanceDownload
CPHACertificate in Phlebotomy AssistanceDownload
CHHACertificate in Home Health AssistanceDownload
CCHCertificate in Community HealthDownload
CAHCCertificate in Adolescent Health and CounselingDownload
CVAPCertificate in Visual Arts – PaintingDownload
CVAACertificate in Visual Arts – Applied ArtDownload
CPATHACertificate in Performing Arts – Theatre ArtsDownload
CPAHMCertificate in Performing Arts Hindustani MusicDownload
CPAKMCertificate in Performing Arts Karnatak MusicDownload
CPABNCertificate in Performing Arts BharatanatyamDownload
CETMCertificate in Energy Technology and ManagementDownload
CCPDCertificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians)Download
CSWATTCertificate in Solid Wastes Treatment TechniquesDownload
CCOMOCertificate in Condition MonitoringDownload
CSCDMCertificate in Smart City Development And ManagementDownload
CPVECertificate Programme in Value EducationDownload
CSWMCertificate in Solid Waste ManagementDownload
CCRCertificate in Community RadioDownload
CGASCertificate in Gender, Agriculture and Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
CGSCICertificate in Gender and ScienceDownload

Benefits of Downloading IGNOU Study Material

Downloading IGNOU study materials offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The study materials cover all the topics outlined in the syllabus, ensuring you don’t miss out on important concepts.
  • Self-paced Learning: You can study at your own pace, anytime and anywhere, making it convenient for distance learners.
  • Exam Preparation: The materials are designed to help students prepare effectively for exams by focusing on key topics.
  • Official Content: These materials are provided by IGNOU, ensuring accuracy and relevance to your course.

Tips for Effective Study Using IGNOU Materials

To make the most of your study materials, follow these tips:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Organize your time to cover all topics systematically.
  • Take Notes: Jot down important points while studying to aid revision.
  • Revise Regularly: Regular revision is key to retaining information.
  • Practice with Sample Questions: Use any sample questions provided in the study materials for better preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I download IGNOU study material for all courses?
Yes, you can download study material for all IGNOU courses. Just select your course from the list.

Are the study materials available in different languages?
IGNOU study materials are available in multiple languages. Check the IGNOU website for language options specific to your course.

Is the study material enough for exam preparation?
The study material is designed to cover the entire syllabus, but it’s always good to supplement it with additional resources like previous year question papers and revision notes.

Do I need to pay for the study materials?
No, the study materials are free to download from the official IGNOU website.


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